Register Now for Winter Break Parties in January!

Calling all Sagehen alumni, families and students! Chirp in the new year with Sagefriends at a Pomona College Winter Break Party this January 2025! Join fellow Pomona alumni, families and students throughout the country and across the globe to catch up and chat on all things Pomona. Register today!


Pomona has one of the biggest networks in liberal arts education with alumni working in a wide variety of career fields across the globe, from business, law and medicine to non-profit, education and science to politics, art and entertainment.

Stay connected! Join us for alumni regional and campus events, come back for Alumni Weekends, and learn how you can get involved and help to sustain the Pomona educational experience for today’s – and tomorrow’s – Sagehens.

Alumni Website


Pomona College families stretch far and wide across our local and global Sagehen community. Find resources for new and current families to support their student and get involved as well as information on campus and regional family events like Family Weekend at Pomona College and Summer Family Welcome Parties.

Families Website